Challenge Accepted (and Posted)

This week I was able to use Storify to bring an international story and make it relevant for Seton Hall students.  A big story that started this week was the challenge created by Toms Shoes.  If you posted a picture of your bare feet and posted them on Instagram, every pair you posted meant a pair of shoes would be donated.  This challenge ultimately went viral.  Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram were buzzing with participants of the challenge.  Even Seton Hall students were participating and posting it online.  My Storify post is about the challenge and how it was accepted.

Blog RIght Onto the Twitter Chat Room

Let’s face it, we all have a Twitter…or at least I would hope you know what a Twitter is.  However did you ever hear of a Twitter chat?  That was a concept that blew my mind.  Social media that actually required you to be social and communicate.  This week I had the pleasure of participating in a Twitter chat, in particular #BlogChat created by Mark Collier.  Every Sunday, a group of blog enthusiasts answer a question of the week (submitted by those who follow the chat) and by using the hashtag, the conversations starts rolling.  Overall it was a great opportunity, I had learned a lot of different blogs to try as well as what an incredible resource Twitter chats are!  Below are the tweets I had posted during the chat.

Continue reading Blog RIght Onto the Twitter Chat Room

An the Award Goes to…An Acclaimed PR Strategy

Tis the season for award shows. While actors, producers and directors get ready and start writing their acceptance speeches, public relations pros are gearing up for the coming season. For the entertainment industry, publicity teams need to utilize every second they can for spreading original and creative content to publicize their talent. In the blog, “Spin Sucks,” there are ways to really utilize the different movies nominated.


Continue reading An the Award Goes to…An Acclaimed PR Strategy

May the Tweets Be Ever In Your Favor

This week, a craze hit social media like a frenzy.  Seton Hall was challenged to participate in the #JRLWeb challenge.  I paired up with Vani and we set off like it was the Hunger Games.  Our goal was to find different ways to promote school spirit through the use of Twitter.  In this challenge, we found different pictures and quotes to showcase school spirit, education opportunities, and even scenic campus spots.  This was an exciting way to see how one could leverage campus pride by social media platforms.

Continue reading May the Tweets Be Ever In Your Favor

For Immediate Release: The End of Traditional PR

From the first day of my public relations course at Seton Hall, I was taught that the most important tool in PR, is the press release.  We learned that a press release and pitching were the tools needed for ultimate success in this field.  In my classes, if you could write a killer pitch or an innovative press release, than you were golden.  As time went on and I started doing internships I realized that was not the case.  As we enter this digital era, professionals seem to believe that press releases or traditional media is becoming extinct. In fact, there are three different paths in your future PR career.  Traditional PR is becoming the bare bones of public relations careers.  Press releases and pitching is important but as more of a starting ground.

Continue reading For Immediate Release: The End of Traditional PR